how to create an awesome yoga mailing list freebie

How to Create An Yoga Mailing List Freebie

You’ve heard that you should create your own mailing list for your yoga business. For sure, right?

But how exactly do you get someone to willingly subscribe to a mailing list. And why would you want to, anyway?

Nowadays, if you want someone to sign up for your email list, subscribers are only going to opt-in if they get something in return. This is where giving something of value to your audience comes into play.

It’s simple really. You offer an awesome freebie! You give your audience an incentive for turning over their email address to you.

I’m not talking about sending your reader junk to clutter up their email inbox. Nah, don’t send junk! No one wants that.

Instead, you want to offer to send your reader some sort of free quality content–a gift of sorts–in exchange for their email. It could be a PDF guide or a free ebook. Or something else, which we’ll get to in a moment.

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Why You Want a Yoga Biz Mailing List

I’ll cut right to the chase.

You want a mailing list because it’s YOUR list. You own it. It’s an important business asset.

Plus, it’s an important way to lead or funnel people into buying your yoga services or products.

Sure, maybe you have social media accounts that have tons of followers. But that’s not the same thing as having your followers’ email address.

You don’t own your followers on social media or their information. Even if you have a mega following on social media or are a powerful yoga influencer, those sites could shutter overnight if they wanted to. You’d be SOL. You’d lose access to those followers.

But your mailing list on the other hand, that’s yours to keep. And taking time to build a mailing list is definitely worth your time and attention.

How to Create a Kick A*S, Awesome Yoga Mailing List Freebie

This is really exciting stuff for your business growth. Seriously.

Hang with me here for a few, so I can explain.

Creating a freebie can draw yoga students, yoga clients, and potential customers to your yoga business. It can help you, your brand, and your offerings get noticed. It can also be a way to lead those people to your big ticket offerings. That is, it can help turn people into paying customers.

The catch is that it has to be a quality offering. Yeah, even if it’s free. It shouldn’t be junk. It should actually deliver some sort of value.

Your freebie should also be on a relatable subject or topic of specific interest to your audience. After all, the point is to attract and grow interest in what you do, your brand, and your offerings.

For example, to help new yoga teachers launch + grow their teaching businesses, I offer a free download (PDF) on 50+ Niches for Your Yoga Business. It’s a freebie that contains content and answers to a sticky question, or pain point, that is often on the minds of new yoga teachers: what area of yoga should I teach?

Frequently Used Opt-in List Freebies

Here are some of the types of frequently used opt-in email list freebies that businesses often use to grow their mailing lists:

  • PDF guides (educational, informative, inspiring)
  • How-Tos (PDFs, tutorials, webinars)
  • Templates (e.g., Pinterest Pin or Canva Templates)
  • Worksheets or spreadsheets
  • Video access
  • Checklists

Not sure what type of freebie to giveaway to use? Experiment. Figure out what freebie works and gets noticed by your followers, audience, and yoga community. You also can use more than one. For example, I previously mentioned my yoga niche download. Another offer I have for someone to join my email list is a free Instagram content planning tool.

The Components of a Freebie or Enticing Email List Free Download

Besides delivering value on a subject of interest to your audience, to grow your email list, you’ll want to ensure the freebie you offer up has some specific features.

These features include:

Intro / background. You want to be sure your email list subscriber knows the download is from you or your business. Take this exposure opportunity to tell them a bit about you or your business. After all, you have their attention!

Content. This is the heart of the freebie. Make sure your content looks INCREDIBLE. You want your audience to have a positive impression of you and your brand.

Do some research and figure out what your audience needs. What problem can you solve? What struggle can you help them sort out? Provide a quality freebie on that solution.

Call to Action. Whether you offer a PDF guide, a worksheet or workbook, or video tutorial, be sure to include a call to action in your freebie.

A call to action (CTA) is a call for your audience to take specific action. So, for example, a call to action might be to share your blog post or buy your product. Basically, the call to action is whatever you’d like your subscriber to do after they’ve looked at or processed your freebie.

E-mail Opt-In Promotion

After you’ve spent time making your freebie, you’ll want to make sure your audience knows about it. So, you’ll want to promote it. You definitely don’t want to miss this step!

You might promote it on your website or blog with a pop-up box. For example, you might use automation forms like those offered by Mailerlite or Mailchimp to create a full-blown email campaign that starts with subscribing for your freebie.

However, there are many other ways to promote your free offering besides using a pop-up email list subscriber box. Some of these ways of promoting your freebie include:

  • Linking to the freebie in your social media profile, such as in your Instagram bio
  • Mentioning your freebie in any social media groups you belong to (where/when allowed), such as “promote your freebie” or business in Facebook groups
  • Promoting your freebie in your blog posts (if someone is already on your site reading something you’ve written, there’s an even higher chance they will subscribe, especially if they like your blog post)
  • Linking to the freebie on Pinterest (make and publish a pin on Pinterest linking back to your give-a-way).
  • Mentioning the freebie on your YouTube channel in the description
  • Listing your freebie or link to it in your social media posts or email signature block
  • Telling your current students, clients + followers about it and asking them to share the info with others

Post-Freebie Production

After your freebie has gone live, be sure to take time periodically to inspect stats and review analytics.

How many people are subscribing to your email list?

How effective is the freebie? Specifically, how many people are actually opening or accessing your freebie after they hit submit in your email collection box?

How many people end up buying from your sales funnel (that starts with this freebie) or become paying clients or students?

Also, be sure to take the time to update your freebie from time. In fact, even if it’s evergreen content, you’ll want to review it occasionally to see if it needs updates or to verify that links or linked content still works.

Remember, you want your audience to be totally impressed with your freebie so they stick around or come back to eventually buy a product from you, sign up for a course, or become a paying client.

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jules @nakedearthyoga

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