how to make yoga blog content go viral

How to Make Your Yoga Blog Post Go Viral

When a blogger hits publish on a new blog post, most hope it will go viral.

After all, a viral post by nature means that it has grabbed a lot of attention. That attention most likely means traffic back to your blog. And traffic typically translates into revenue. Not to mention, it probably also means new subscribers, readers or followers.

A viral blog post can also get you discovered or known. This comes in extra handy if you’re a new yoga teacher who is just starting out and is trying to build a yoga business.

When you’re a yoga teacher, yoga blogger, or yoga influencer, a great blog post can launch you and your business. It can help you fill classes or retreats. As well, if a blog post goes viral, it can help you make money and often your social media numbers skyrocket.

The difference between having a blog post take off and gain traction around the Internet and having a so-so post is HUGE.

Accordingly, the question most content creator yogis have, particularly those new to the blogging scene, is how do you get blog posts to go viral? Is there a formula to success?

If so…

What’s the secret to creating viral blog content?

Well… drumroll…

Hang here for a bit and I’ll give you the scoop.

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What are the Benefits of a Yoga Blog

First off, let’s look at the benefits of having a yoga blog. That will help you understand why you should ever care about creating blog content that goes viral.

The benefits of having a yoga blog for yoga teachers:

  • Gives you and your business exposure
  • Improves your presence online + search ranking
  • Makes it easier for yoga students + prospective clients to find you
  • Helps you build trust with yoga students, clients, prospective students, and the yoga community
  • Allows you to connect with your audience
  • Establishes you as an expert in your particular area of yoga
  • Helps you generate new sales or class sign-ups
  • Contributes to your personal learning + communication skills
  • Serves as a business marketing tool
  • Offers additional value to your students and the yoga community
  • Helps to build community and facilitate conversation

The #1 Thing You Need To Do If You Want To Create Viral Content

Here’s the deal. The real deal.

It’s the secret to viral blog success.

The #1 thing you need to do if you want your blog content to go viral is that you must create quality content that people want to read.

If you are a yoga teacher with a yoga blog and you want to create posts that get noticed big time, you must create high quality blog content.

Sounds simple, right? Well, on its face, it is.

You don’t have to write a masterpiece. Or outwrite Stephen King. Or write something as mind blowing and classic as A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking.

However, you have to write a blog post that is GOOD. As in, the blog content rocks. The subject matter is timely and of interest to readers. And you have to make sure the post checks of the technical boxes that make algorithms overflow with joy.

The Secret Formula to Creating Viral Yoga Blog Content

So, here’s the deal.

This so-called “secret formula” to creating viral content, if there is really even such a formula, can help you get your blog content noticed. There are no guarantees, of course. But if you do these things, it’s going to help. It has to, right?

Oh, this approach to success is not limited to blog content. It can also help you get other website or yoga content creations noticed, too. Basically, whatever you decide you want or need to promote online.

The Viral Post Check List

Create Awesome Content. You want to cover a subject or topic and cover it well.

Grammar + Spelling. Make sure your post is well polished. That means it looks good. This includes formatting, but also other things like good grammar. You’ll also want to make sure it’s spell-checked and free of spelling errors.

Think SEO. This means optimize your post for key search terms and words. Do keyword research. You want your audience and prospective students, clients, or customers to find your post. When you put a search term into the Google box, you know how Google displays search results? Well, you want to do whatever you can to optimize your post that it will appear when people or yoga students search for your yoga posts.

Getting a hang of SEO takes time. So be patient.

You can use paid or free keyword search tools to help. You can also use tools like Yoast SEO to help ensure your post ranks well for SEO and readability. Every little bit helps when it comes to getting your post ranked well and noticed.

Beyond Content: Promote, Promote, Promote.

There’s a little saying in the the blog content world that writing a blog post or developing blog content is only the easy part. And that the real work of a blogger begins as soon as you hit the publish button.

There’s even a thing called the 80-20 rule in blogging. That’s the ideas that you should spend about 20 percent of your blogging work writing, and the other 80% on marketing, promotion, emails, networking, and linking on social media.

So, after you publish a blog post, you’ve really got to get to work!

Why? Because it’s rarely enough just to publish a blog post and be done with it. If all you do is publish your post and sit back, hoping for traffic, chances are you’ll be waiting a LOOOOONG time. Unless perhaps you already have a mega following or are a mega influencer.

Where Can You Promote Your New Yoga Blog Post?

The possibilities for promoting a fresh blog post to help it gain traction and possibly go viral are nearly endless.

Of course, one of the first places you’ll want to start is to promote your blog post to your existing audience. You’ll want to share it with your followers, such as on Instagram. If you have an email list (email marketing is so important for growing your yoga biz), you’ll want to take advantage of that resource too to promote your post.

Oh, and don’t forget to share your new content with family and friends. They are a powerful resource–after all, family and friends are often like having your own supportive team of cheerleaders.

how to make yoga content go viral online and social media
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Where to Promote Blog Posts After Publishing

Beyond your immediate, personal or professional network, there are other places where you can promote your new content. Some of these places include publishing or posting on:

  • Social media platforms – for example, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook
  • Quora
  • Reddit
  • LinkedIn
  • Mentioning in DMs
  • Updating old blog posts to link to new blog posts
  • Linking to your latest blog post in your signature block
  • If you’ve mentioned other bloggers, yoga teachers, or influencers, reach out to them and tell them about your mention and/or share your link
  • Repurpose your content – make Canva images, create IG reels, Pinterest Idea Pins, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, etc. with your blog content – maximize the value of each new blog post.

DISCOVER MORE: How to get more blog traffic by using the Instagram Stories Link feature.

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Drop a comment or blog tip: What advice can you offer yoga bloggers to get their blog posts noticed or go viral?

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