Imagine using ChatGPT to start a yoga business? Did you know that yoga teachers can leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, to start, launch, and grow a business?
If you’re a yoga teacher, looking to turn your passion into a profitable yoga business, this guide can help you learn how to start and grow a business with a little help from ChatGPT.
Benefits of running a yoga business or teaching yoga
If you are passionate about yoga and dream about teaching yoga part-time, as a side-hustle, or full-time, it’s time to dive into building your yoga business.
Some of the advantages of running a business, such as your own yoga studio or teaching online include:
- Have greater flexibility and control over your life, your hours in a day, and your finances.
- Positively impacting peoples’ lives and helping them to improve or enhance their fitness and mindset
- Feeling empowered as a yoga instructor, yoga studio owner, teacher, and sharing your passion and personal practice with others
- Designing your life – living life on your own terms
- Connecting with students, clients, and people in your local community and around the world; building a yoga community
- Teaching students or working from your own home and running your own yoga studio (thanks to technology)
How much money can be made operating a yoga business?
Thanks to technology, including the ability to take your yoga business online, yoga teachers are no longer limited geographically or to their local community to earn a living. As a yoga business owner, you have a significant amount of control over your financial destiny and your business success.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
In my book, ChatGPT for Yoga Teachers, I explain 108 ways that teachers can use the technology to help them grow a profitable business, including ideas for digital marketing, business branding, teaching ideas, and planning yoga studio events, workshops, and retreats.
Create a yoga business that you love and lets you keep your personal yoga practice
If you want to become a yoga business owner who makes a real income, it’s imperative to create a business you love. Some people like to think of their entrepreneurial projects as a baby. You have to pour your heart, time, energy, and love into planning for your business and nurturing it to success.
Of course, even when you are madly in love with your business idea or business, this doesn’t mean that you won’t ever feel exhausted, tired, or burnt out — even when you’re a yoga instructor with a business.
It’s incredibly important as an entrepreneur to practice self-care, which includes balancing owning your own studio, business, teaching, and self-care.
Chances are you want to become a yoga teacher–or became one–because of the positive impact of yoga on your life. It’s important that you care for yourself and your business, so you can share that impact and passion with others for years to come.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
You can leverage ChatGPT to help you develop an idea, refine a business point or concept, or plan your dream studio layout or design.
Get your yoga teacher certification
If you want to launch a business, the first step is to get your yoga certification. Oh, if you happen to be in mid-life and wonder if you’re too old to start a yoga practice, teach yoga, or make money from a business, the answer is simple: you’re never too old to act on a dream, especially a business dream.
In the yoga industry, it’s generally advised that you ensure you receive your yoga teacher training (YTT) from a school that is Yoga Alliance Accredited. In obtaining your certification, you might choose to attend a local school or studio, travel to a 200 hour teacher training retreat, or find an online yoga program.
As a caveat, some yoga teachers and fitness professionals take a strong view that yoga training and practice should be done in person to have students learn proper technique, alignment, assists and to ultimately keep students safe.
However, there are lots of certified programs online, and plenty of successful yoga teachers who can attest to having positive and inspiring online training.
In addition, there are some who believe that you should attend local programs or local yoga studios in order to support the immediate community and small businesses, and to facilitate sustainable yoga relationships.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
You can use ChatGPT to help you research yoga certification options. Also, you can use it to research tips on what to look for in a certification program. You can also use ChatGPT to help you find a yoga teacher, as well as research yoga studios and schools offering YTT, workshops, retreats, or other yoga instructor trainings.

Decide what style of yoga you want to teach
You’ll want to decide your yoga style. You might choose a school specific to the style you wish to teach after yoga teacher graduation.
Don’t feel you are stuck to the style or aspects of that particular course of study, however. You can also create your own yoga style. You can develop your own yoga niche, as well as continue your study of yoga on your own, with other yoga instructors or mentors, or through continued education.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
You can use ChatGPT or even Google’s Gemini to help you decide what type of yoga you’d like to study, teach, how to go about creating a personal yoga teaching niche, where you can start teaching generally or where to find studios to teach at in your area.
ChatGPT can also help you get right to the point when you have a question about business, want to know something about the practice, such as ancient philosophy or lineage, and give you useful tips or recommendations.
Build a community through marketing and connecting with other yoga teachers
Even before you finish your YTT, you can begin to think about, plan, or start building your yoga community. For example, you might join Instagram now or another social media platform of your choice and begin to develop an online presence.
While having mega followers or becoming a major influencer isn’t a prerequisite to a having successful yoga business, you can leverage social media to build your own yoga community and loyal followers who will eventually take your yoga classes or want to watch any content you make, like video, reels, posts, classes, shorts of you practicing, or online courses.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
You can use ChatGPT to start helping you RIGHT NOW build and grow a sustainable presence on social media. For example, you can use it to build your clientele, plan your yoga practice and social media content, as well as plan a future thriving yoga biz.
You can also ask ChatGPT for tips on how to best market your business.

Pick a name that fits your business
When you decide to launch a yoga business, a studio, or advertise your yoga services, you will need a name that appropriately fits your business. Ideally, it will be a business name that helps you achieve your goals, attracts customers, clients, and students, and gives people a sense of what your biz is about.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
Sometimes people tend to get stuck when it comes to name a business or aspects of their business. ChatGPT is a great resource to help yoga instructors and owners come up with a name for a successful yoga biz, yoga studio owner, class, or service.
Put together a business plan
As a yoga entrepreneur, you’ll want to put together a solid business plan. A plan can help take a lot of stress out of planning and running a business–and you’ll feel a lot less like you’re winging it. It will help give you business confidence and help you feel more like you know what you’re doing.
Having a business that is rooted and has a strong business foundation from the get-go will only help you to avoid pitfalls and problems down the road.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
You can use ChatGPT to help you start creating the foundations of a business plan, including financial projections and an executive summary, as well as look to The Yoga Startup for business coaching, training, and classes.
Know your business mission and values
To build a successful and sustainable wellness business, there is lots of value in having a good understanding of your business mission, purpose, and your values up front.
After all, this will help you steer the direction of your business. Of course, you can always modify your business mission as you go along and change is part of life–so don’t be afraid to pivot or change direction when needed in your business.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
If you’re not sure what a business mission statement might look like, you can use ChatGPT to help you with your research or to map out an executive summary outline.
Create an impactful website
It might come as a surprise, but many yoga businesses and yoga teachers don’t have a dedicated website, let alone a yoga blog.
Some rely on social media platforms (known as borrowed real estate) to grow their business. Others have building a website somewhere on their business to-do list. Some simply don’t want to pay for an online presence. However, having an impactful website is critical for developing a strong online presence.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
You can leverage ChatGPT to help you research key essentials for your website, such as location, class descriptions, practices, benefits of particular classes, common class yoga poses, or yoga staff or team bios. And you may even want to feature chatbot support on your website.
You can even use ChatGPT to help you plan photos for your website or stock photo sites (e.g., for an image of a studio, mat, or body doing a yoga pose).
Price Your Yoga Classes
When you start your yoga business, you’ll have to figure out how to price your yoga classes. You might opt to conduct competitive business research. For example, you might look to other businesses to investigate what other local yoga studios will charge for classes, finding out how much customers in your local area are willing to pay for teaching, and determining how much income is essential for you.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
You can use ChatGPT to help you do research and price your service offerings. ChatGPT is also a great resource for small businesses that don’t have resources or money to hire a team to do competitive research; in effect, it’s an incredible technology tool to help biz and studio owners create offerings (and even price an event like a yoga workshop).
Marketing and generating clients
When it comes to biz success and creating a thriving venture, you’ll need to focus on digital marketing and essential traditional marketing and devise a marketing strategy. For example, if you have a studio, your marketing efforts might include physical printouts of the class schedule that people can take home with them.
I have seen studio owners find success in using print media ads and even printing posters and hanging them in their local community. Others rely on word of mouth marketing to generate new clients.
And yet others join forces with other instructors to maximize marketing value. For example, they team-up, such as in the form of Instagram Lives to promote products, services, and offers collaboratively. As a note, collaborations are a big deal right now and for good reason. When entrepreneurs join forces with another, they can lighten the load, reduce an entrepreneur’s individual marketing effort, maximize reach, reduce costs, stretch resources, and make more money from enhanced reach and exposure.
To get new clients and more clients from other businesses, expect that marketing is an ongoing effort, part of everyday life as an owner, and business investment.
How ChatGPT Can Help:
ChatGPT can help businesses and yoga studio owners create marketing strategy and generate more clients and money.
Prepare your business for the next steps: the future
AI technology like ChatGPT can help you prepare businesses for the future, including those in the wellness industry.
You don’t have to be passionate about technology or a technical whiz to use ChatGPT. Once you start using it, learn how to create your own prompts, and discover how to refine responses, you’ll be well ready to take on the world and build a thriving future.
Join other yoga teachers and learn more about ChatGPT and writing ChatGPT prompts with my book, which is available on Amazon.
Leverage AI Technology – ChatGPT to Start a Yoga Business
If you want to build a lucrative venture, don’t shy away from trying ChatGPT. This technology can help you with your small business planning, brainstorming, and organization. It’s a time saver for sure, and useful for saving money AND making money.
Learn more about how to build and grow your biz with biz coaching @TheYogaStartup.com.
- Follow me on IG @NakedEarthYoga
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