why yoga teachers need a blog blogging isn't dead

Why Yoga Teachers Need a Blog, No Blogging isn’t Dead

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a brand new yoga teacher or an experienced yoga instructor who is looking to increase yoga revenue: yoga teachers need a blog to call their own.

I’m going to tell you why.

My Journey into Yoga Blogging Story

I started my first blog back when blogging was a pretty new thing. Wayyyy before the days of microblogging–and before Instagram or TikTok existed.

While my first blog wasn’t a yoga blog, I’ve discovered over the years that blogging is a powerful marketing machine and incredible platform for growing most any business or project idea. A blog can help with business branding and getting noticed online.

A blog can also open doors to new business or career opportunities. I’ve learned over the years that having a blog is an awesome way to get noticed. If you’re a yoga teacher or building a yoga business, this can be incredibly helpful, especially if you want to grow a loyal following online, on social media, or in real life.

But beyond marketing benefits, a blog can also offer an additional (or primary) passive income stream. As well, blogging can be a great way to build community and connect with other like-minded people (like other yogis or yoga teachers).

Blog writing can also help you get better at writing and communicating your ideas or points, and educating your audience. Plus, blogging is a ton of fun.

The Benefits of Starting a Yoga Blog

There are so many pros to starting a yoga blog when you’re trying to launch or grow a yoga business. In fact, starting a yoga blog early, even before you’ve completed or graduated a yoga teacher training is even a good idea for kickstarting your post-yoga teacher training (YTT) business dream.

Pros of Writing a Yoga Blog

  • With a blogger friendly platform, writing a yoga blog or hosting one of your yoga business website can be easier than you might think
  • Blogging and publishing articles regularly can help you get noticed online, especially thanks to search engine optimization (SEO) and ranking on search engines like Google Search.
  • You can repurpose your blog content into social media captions, social media content (like Instagram Reels, posts or sliding content, stories, Pinterest Inspiration Pins or YouTube videos)
  • A blog can help you market and promote your yoga business
  • Yoga business branding!
  • Low-cost business marketing
  • A yoga blog can help you build your yoga community, especially as it helps set you apart from the yoga crowd and allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your yoga niche
  • A yoga blog helps you connect with your audience, other yoga teachers, and with your students, which is a plus not only for growing your business, but also for growing your network and professional relationships
  • After you hit publish on a blog post, the fun really starts to begin. You can promote your new article on all of your social media channels, like Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Mastodon, and LinkedIn, and also distribute the link via email to your email marketing list recipients
  • Blogging can help you build your social media following and yoga business (and your yoga reputation) internationally
  • You can blog from anywhere! Seriously, this is the cool thing about blogging. You can write blog posts at coffee shops, on planes or trains, or on your living room couch while you binge watch your favorite tv shows
  • Passive income – a yoga blog can help you supplement your yoga income and earn more money annually.

Already Convinced that You Need A Blog?

If you’re already convinced that you need a yoga blog, you can read my How to Launch a Yoga Blog Guide and get started right now.

You can also find more reasons why you need to start a yoga blog RIGHT NOW, as in yesterday, over in More Reasons Why Yoga Teachers Need a Business Blog.

The Downsides to Starting a Yoga Blog

I’m not going to sugar coat this. Building and writing a blog takes time and energy. It’s work. Sometimes the work is unbelievably fulfilling and energizing. However, sometimes, such as when you run into technical issues or eeek… lose a blog post… blogging gets frustrating.

Sometimes as a new blogger, it’s frustrating when you write a post and hit publish and only hear crickets. That is, you don’t see any (or much) website or blog traffic. You don’t see many (or any) comments on your posts. In fact, it seems like no one is even reading your posts initially. It can feel like a waste of time.

Sometimes some people start blogging, get all psyched up about it, and then quit when they get discouraged–often after writing only a couple of blog posts. However, blogging is a long term investment.

Sure, some bloggers hit the jackpot and the first (or early) blog post goes viral. Believe it or not but there are some tricks that can help you make your yoga articles go big time. But this is not often the case. More often, you have to stick with your blog if you want to see results. If you keep with it, you’ll likely discover that you can achieve yoga business goals through blogging.

Cons of Writing a Yoga Blog

  • It can feel discouraging at times, especially in the beginning when your only readers are your family or close friends
  • Sometimes it can feel like you’re late to the game, like when you see big time yoga bloggers and their successes.
  • Blogging can be technically frustrating at time; using a beginner-friendly blog platform or having good technical support can help!
  • Writing and publishing consistently on a schedule can feel exhausting or overwhelming, especially when you have other yoga business objectives to meet
  • Coming up with blog topics can be challenging, unless you are clear on your ideal audience or topics that are narrowed to your yoga audience
  • Having a visually appealing blog can take time to create
  • It’s possible to get bored blogging or lose interest in writing if you lose perspective on why you are blogging in the first place

Having a Yoga Blog is an Investment in Your Yoga Business

A yoga blog is an investment in your business growth. It is also an investment in building your personal reputation as a yoga teacher.

A key way having a blog can help you directly grow your business is by expanding your email marketing list. In short, email is as important as ever today in building and growing a business. Having an email list allows you to connect directly with your audience. Directly in their inbox.

The best part is that the people on your email list have usually given you their email address after visiting your website or after reading your blog content. This means that they are likely interested in your content. They are interested in what you do. And they are likely serious about wanting more from you. In other words, a blog is often a key component in building a connection with your yoga audience and growing your marketing list.

Accordingly, your blog is an investment AND your marketing list is a business asset.

READ MORE: Why Yoga Teachers Need Email Marketing + How to Build an Email List

why yoga teachers and yoga students  need a yoga blog

Need Blog Topic Inspiration?

Once you’re ready to start your blog, don’t overlook the power of AI (artificial intelligence) to help inspire your writing. No, I’m not advocating cut and paste. But I do suggest leveraging AI to help you when you’re stuck, need inspirational ideas, or need to be more efficient with your yoga business.

You can learn more over in my post How ChatGPT Can Help Yoga Teachers.

Follow me on Instagram

If you found this post helpful on why yoga teachers need a blog, then come follow me on Instagram. On IG I post helpful content for yoga teachers and inspirational self-love reminders for people who love yoga.

Let’s connect now.

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