yoga teacher website essentials, content that yoga teachers need for their yoga businesses

Yoga Teacher Website Essentials Free Download

If you’re a yoga teacher trying to figure out what information you need to include on your website, steal my free Yoga Teacher Website Essentials Download.

This download gives you a checklist for the yoga website essentials you need to attract and keep yoga students and clients.

When you implement these ideas on your yoga teacher website and make your website easy to navigate, you’re more likely to get sign ups for your yoga offerings and yoga classes. And you’re more likely to have planted the seeds for a wildly successful yoga business.

Finding desired information easily on any website, and finding it fast with the fewest clicks possible, makes people happy. It doesn’t waste their time. No one wants to spend time looking for basic information, like a yoga class schedule. A website that is difficult to navigate or lacks answers that prospective yoga students are looking for can be an immediate turn-off.

When you want to start, launch, or grow a yoga business and want to make money, you don’t want to lose students or clients because of your website.

Why You Need An Awesome Yoga Website for Your Yoga Business

To help you attract and keep students, you’ve got to get my free guide.

So, grab my free yoga teacher website essentials checklist FREE DOWNLOAD NOW. It’s an awesome starting point for launching your website and ensuring you have the essentials covered.


Why You Need MY Free Download

Having a comprehensive website for your yoga business is essential. I’m not saying it has to be fancy or perfect, but you definitely need one that has critical, key elements.

Establishing a web presence as a new yoga teacher or business owner should definitely be a priority.

For example, if you are teaching classes online, you need to keep an up-to-date yoga class schedule published on your website. This may seem obvious, but you might be surprised to discover how many teachers lack a clear, obvious, or current schedule. Worse, some make students and clients dig through their website or make several clicks to find critical content.

Why a Website is an Essential Tool for Your Yoga Business

A crisp, clean, easy-to-navigate, and content rich website helps you stand out as a yoga teacher and build credibility among students and in the yoga industry. It also helps you build your yoga brand and reach prospective students and clients.

Additionally, a website gives people access to your services and offerings 24/7. This is especially useful for someone like me, who loves to spend time surfing the web in the middle of the night (when I really should be sleeping) and signing up for fun and interesting yoga classes.

Benefits of a Website for Your Yoga Biz

  • Get noticed online (both you as a yoga teacher and your yoga offerings)
  • Improve your credibility as a yoga teacher
  • Expand your reach
  • Give students and clients 24/7 access to your services and offerings
  • Answer student and client questions to saves you time
  • Build your brand
  • Leverage the power of Search Engine Ranking and digital marketing
  • Blog (student/client yoga education)

starting a yoga business

Additional Yoga Website Features to Consider

In additional to the essentials, there are other key things to consider for having an effective yoga business website. For example, having an engaging home page or landing page is a great idea. You want to capture prospective student or client immediately when they land on your website.

This means you might want to consider engaging headlines, banners, call-to-action buttons (like a newsletter sign up), and clear navigation menus, such as a prominent class schedule tab.

You might also want to have a yoga blog or yoga articles. I’m a HUGE fan of blogging as a tool to build a business, so I think a yoga blog is a must on your website. Here are 7 Reasons Why YOU Need to Start a Yoga Blog ASAP.

Of course, especially depending on your geography, legal obligations, or affiliate relationships, you will likely want to consider including appropriate disclaimers on your website, such as a privacy policy or terms of use policy.

Keep in mind, what one yoga teacher or business owner considers to be an essential website element, might not be what you consider essential. In fact, you might decide to do your own thing which is totally different than anyone else’s approach.

The key point is that you have some form of web presence, which is accessible and clearly gives students and clients information they need to do business with you. What information you choose to include on your website is totally up to you in the end. After all, it’s your yoga business.

Get the Free Yoga Download

Grab my free download for yoga teachers NOW, right HERE. I think you’ll LOVE it.

Hey, Buy Me a Coffee

If you found this article or free download helpful, please consider supporting my work in one of these 3 ways:

  1. Buy me a coffee. If you follow me on IG, you know that I love to create content for you while sipping cappuccino in cool locations. I’ll do my best to give a shout out to you in my Instagram Stories. Buy me a coffee here.
  2. Sign up for yoga business coaching or for a yoga class with me. Wonder why you need a yoga business coach? READ MORE: 7 Reasons Why You Need a Yoga Business Coach.
  3. Subscribe to my Yoga Creators Club. This is totally free to join and you’ll get cool tips to help you grow your yoga business. Join the club here.

Oh, and please come follow me on Instagram! I look forward to connecting with you.

-jules ✨

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